Well, its simple. Just give us a call or fill in the enquiry from below. Our team will advise you accordingly on the procedure based on your case.
Yes you still need to file tax return, even your business does not have profit. This is important if you needed your loan to be approved to finance your house. You will be required to show your tax acknowledgement receipt as a financial proof to process your loan application
To simplify, tax reliefs can help reduce your tax payable. So if your'e looking to save on paying tax, you should seek for an professional to help you on planning your tax reliefs. We will give out a checklist for you to fill out and avise which type of relief you that you are eligible to claim
You can use an income tax calculator to verify the monthly tax deduction calculation. Another way of verifying it is to check with the income tax schedule.
Available channels are: LHDN counter, by post,through online e-filing platform, via ATM machine or we can pay on your behalf.
KJ Tax Consultants is the new generation of the taxation industry today. Established in early 2014, we were awarded 'The Fastest Growing Firm' six month into our business operation. While we are carrying a new and fresh image coming into the industry, our team consist of experienced and enthusiastic proffesionals that focus on providing top notch tax saving & consultancy services.
We develop relationship and work closely with our clients by understanding their needs and add value by offering creative advice and effective solutions. Our depth of technical ‘know-how’ makes tax issues and compliance less technical and complicated. We seeks for legitimate tax savings to improve our client’s financial results.
Following our philosophy and hardwork, we are grateful that our clientele recognise us as a quality provider and will continue to deliver and inspire them with our excellence.
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